Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Banksy

The Banksy. Taken in the lower 9th ward of New Orleans, it gives a pessimistic and dark perception of the world. I only have one take of this digitally and none on film, (a photographers worst realization), however I believe it makes it quite special. Considering it's location and significance, it remains one of, if not, my favorite picture that I took on the documentary. Funny how out of all the countries I've been to, this one in America is my favorite.

If anyone (well let's be honest at this point, both of you) reading this blog has been to New Orleans recently, you will find what seems to be a completely rebuilt city. Hurricane Katrina was 5 years ago. Plenty of time for a city to fix it's Superdome and win a Superbowl. Plenty of time to rebuild a city and economy that could attain it's former state. Mostly true. Except for the lower 9th ward. Shells of homes still torn apart with spray painted body count numbers still circled on doors gave me a few chills. It appeared to be a suburb which used to be like many others across the country.

A city can win a Superbowl yet still cannot rebuild all the damage that was done? I viewed the superbowl in Istanbul, Turkey. I saw the Saints win and how much it meant to the fans and city of New Orleans. Making a statement that they have hope and success climbing back from the natural disaster. Yet homes still abandoned and torn apart?

Not all the homes were abandoned obviously. Some had rebuilt and moved back in but not nearly enough for an entire block or for many to even have neighbors on both sides. I wonder if this is by choice by the city or the lack of industry that hinders this lack of re-development. It's an eerie experience to see such a shattered region of a city still reminded by the horrible natural disaster just 5 years ago.

Haitus is over

It is has been a little over a month now since my last post about the illustrious Arri Alexa. An incredible camera however we never really have it in house. It's been rented a few times however mostly spends it life in NY at, where else, Arri NY. Hmmm, can't quite figure that one out but hey, seems to be shooting some great footage. You've probably seen the world cup Alexa commercial/short film. Google it. It's there. Trust me.

Updates about the Alexa (as cool as it is), is not the reason for my latest post. I have decided to put forth a resurgence of effort towards posting and keeping this tech blob/personal blog going. I will try to do daily, well, weekly, attempts to post some of my favorite pictures taken from "No Lands Too Foreign". Post upon the documentary is steadily making progress among the 125 hours or so of raw footage. It shall be exciting once the promo is up!